Amended December 16, 2020; Supersedes all prior amendments.
THE By-Laws
Article 1 Name, Officers and Administration
Article 2 Purposes of the Lake Weir Yacht Club
Article 3 Election of Officers and Appointment of Committees
Article 4 Duties of Officers
Article 5 Filling Vacancies
Article 6 Duties of Members
Article 7 General Administrative Procedures
Section 1 Membership
Section 2 Quorum
Section 3 Dues and Assessments
Section 4 Membership Responsibilities
Section 5 Duties of Committees
Section 6 Guests
Section 7 Use of Club
Section 8 Club Property
Section 9 Revisions
Section 10 Honors and Awards
Article 1: Name, Officers, and Administration
Section 1
The organization is known as the Lake Weir Yacht Club. The Lake Weir Yacht Club is located at 13830 SE 145th Avenue Road, East Lake Weir, Florida 32133.
Section 2
The Lake Weir Yacht Club shall be administered by a Board of Governors con- sisting of: Commodore, Vice Commodore, Secretary, Treasurer, and three Mem- bers-at-large. All business meetings shall be conducted according to Rob- ert's Rules of Order.
Section 3
The Lake Weir Yacht Club shall hold a regular business meeting on the third Wednesday of each month. Appropriate adjustments in scheduled meeting dates shall be made to avoid conflict with the major holidays.
Article 2: Purposes of Lake Weir Yacht Club
The purposes of the Lake Weir Yacht Club are:
to advance education and charitable programs for the Lake Weir area
to preserve the historical character of the Club.
to physically maintain the clubhouse and premises.
Article 3: Election of Officers and Appointment of Committees
Section 1
Two meetings prior to the final meeting in December, the Commodore shall ap- point a committee of three members to nominate a slate of officers for the forthcoming Club year.
Section 2
One meeting prior to the final meeting in December, the nominating committee shall announce its proposed slate of officers, and the members present shall vote to elect the officers for the forthcoming Club year. Nominations from the floor are always in order.
Section 3
At the closing meeting of the Club year the newly elected Commodore will pre- side. The Commodore shall announce the committee chairs for the following year. The committees will consist of: Finance, Housekeeping, Membership, Historical Preservation, Special Activities, Audit, and Building and Grounds
Article 4: Duties of Officers
Section 1
The Commodore shall be the Chair of the Board of Governors and will preside at all club functions, appoint all standing committees and ad hoc committees as necessary, confer with other officers, and by advice and suggestions, in- spire each to his or her best efforts for the welfare of the Club.
In order to provide a way for members to express their suggestions or con- cerns on any issue, the following procedure will be in place:
Such items(s) shall be given in writing to the Commodore.
The Commodore will submit such items to the Board of Governors for con- sideration and disposition.
The Commodore will present the Board’s decision on such items to the membership.
Section 2
The Vice-Commodore shall cooperate with the Commodore and assume the duties of that official in his or her absence.
Section 3
The Secretary shall keep a complete record of all Club functions. This in- cludes minutes and attendance records of all Board of Governors' meetings and official meetings of the membership.
The Secretary shall keep a complete up- dated roster of Club members, and attend to all clerical work of the Club.
When his/her term expires, the Secretary shall turn over to the successor, all books, documents and records pertaining to the office.
Section 4
The Treasurer shall keep a complete record of all monies received and dis- bursed.
The Treasurer shall manage the bank account of the Club and automatically pay in a timely manner, all financial obligations of the Club, after approval of the Finance Committee.
When his/her term expires, the Treasurer shall turn over to his/her succes- sor, all financial records. The Treasurer will serve as a member of the Fi- nance committee.
Section 5
The Board of Governors:
Shall convene at the call of the Commodore.
Shall authorize the Treasurer in the expenditure of funds.
Shall receive and consider input regarding committee business requiring action or expenditure of funds.
Shall prepare smooth drafts and make recommendations on all matters re- quiring approval by the general membership.
Shall approve, reject or refer to committee all other matters brought before the Board.
Section 6
The chairperson of each committee shall keep the Commodore informed as to all work done by his or her respective committee.
Article 5: Filling Vacancies
Section 1: Elective Vacancies:
If any official position is vacated, the Board of Governors shall select and approve a member to fill the vacancy.
Section 2: Appointee Vacancies
If a committee position is vacated, the Commodore shall immediately appoint a successor.
Article 6: Duties of Members
All Members shall:
Read and become conversant with, and abide by the By-Laws governing the Club.
Pay their dues promptly.
Cooperate in every way with the officers and other members in promoting the welfare of the Club.
Article 7: General Administrative Procedures
Section 1: Membership
Any person of age 21 years or older shall be eligible for membership in the Club after recommendation by a member, attending two regular meetings, and completion of a formal application.
No individual member or couple shall nominate for new membership more than one individual or couple during one club year.
Membership shall be limited to one hundred (100) individuals. To ac- commodate current club membership size, the cap for membership will be tempo- rarily increased to one hundred and seven (107) individuals. New members may only be added when total club membership falls below the one hundred (100) individuals permanent membership cap.
When a vacancy occurs in the membership roll, the Membership Committee shall provide the name of the first applicant who has completed all member- ship requirements.
Admission for membership shall be decided by a vote of the members pre- sent at any regular meeting.
Acceptance of membership in the Club by an individual shall constitute an agreement to conform to the By-Laws of the Club.
In the event a single member of the Club shall marry, the member’s spouse shall automatically become a member of the Club, but will not be counted against the membership limit until a vacancy occurs, and shall pay the current dues.
Membership will be terminated for failure to pay annual dues by the end of the first meeting in January. The dues notification letter to members 30 days prior to the first meeting in January will include the statement: “Membership will be terminated for failure to pay annual dues by the end of the first meeting in January.”
Section 2: Quorum/Voting
Club Quorum – A majority of the Club membership shall constitute a quorum for conducting business.
Board of Governors Quorum - A majority of the members of the Board of Governors shall constitute a quorum for conducting business providing each member of the Board has been duly notified.
Club Voting - Voting on any issue, other than By-Laws changes, shall require a simple majority of the members present. The Commodore shall appoint two (2) members to count secret ballot votes and the Commodore will announce the results of vote at the meeting at which the vote was taken.
Proxies and Meeting Other than In Person - Proxies may be used to establish a quorum and vote on any issue that may come before the membership. Members, Officers and Governors may be consid- ered present for any meeting by electronic means. Proxies and meeting electronically will be in form and substance as established by the Board of Governors from time to time.
Section 3: Dues and Assessments
Annual Membership dues will be reviewed and set on a regular basis by the Board of Governors and approved by vote of the membership. Dues are pay- able by the end of the regular January meeting.
The Board of Governors shall have the authority to drop a member from membership for non-payment of dues.
Dues of new members shall be paid upon notification and acceptance and shall be prorated quarterly.
No assessment shall be made against any member.
A letter will be electronically transmitted or mailed to all members within 30 days prior to the first meeting of the year, requesting dues to be made payable by the end of the first meeting in January. (Dues may be mailed to the Lake Weir Yacht Club prior to this meeting).
Section 4: Membership Responsibilities
Participate in the operation and advance the goals of the club.
Bring a side dish, appetizer or dessert sufficient for six to eight servings to each meeting.
Section 5: Duties of Committees
Finance Committee:
Will consist of a chairperson, the treasurer of the club, and one addi- tional member.
Monitor and approve, where designated, all financial matters pertaining to the operation of the Club.
Approve expenditures of the Club that exceed three hundred dollars ($300). Fixed costs paid monthly/annually such as electricity, fire tax, insurance, filing fees for nonprofit status, etc. will be monitored by the committee, paid by the Treasurer and exempted from dollar limitations.
Review and forward all requests for Club expenditures exceeding three hundred dollars ($300) to the Commodore for approval by the Board of Gover- nors.
Supplement the annual Treasurer's report as required to insure that the membership understands all expenditures made in the preceding year.
Receive and research any proposal or project requiring funding that ex- ceeds the Club's available resources for the current year, and present a rec- ommendation to the Commodore for approval by the Board of Governors and a ma- jority vote of the Club membership.
Housekeeping Committee
Have the Club House and portable property in a suitable condition for Club entertainment
Employ necessary help and agree upon the compensation paid with the ap- proval of the Board of Governors.
Membership Committee
Receive all completed applications for membership to the club.
Present completed applications to the Board of Governors for Club ap- proval.
Maintain a waiting list of completed applications in chronological or- der.
Conduct the voting process when applicants are brought before the mem- bership.
Historical Preservation Committee
To record and preserve the events and artifacts pertaining to the his- tory of the Club.
To study the past events of the Club and maintain a written history of the Club for posterity.
Audit Committee
Work with the Treasurer to reconcile the year’s income and expenditures thus affecting a simple audit.
This committee will report to the membership at the first meeting in February.
Special Activities Committee
Plan and arrange all activities involving fund raising, parties for special occasions and any activities other than the regular Club meetings.
Building and Grounds Committee
Shall see that the Club House and grounds are, at all times, in a safe and suitable condition.
Plan for major repairs and improvements in conjunction with the Finance committee and submit proposals to the Board of Governors.
Section 6: Guests
Members are permitted to bring guests to any meeting of the Club.
Bring an extra dish as outlined in Section 4:c.
Pay to the Treasurer $5.00 (five dollars) for each guest.
Have each guest sign the guest book.
Section 7: Use of the Club
Club members may have personal use of the Club after approval by the Board of Governors, and payment of a usage fee and a security deposit. The amounts of the usage fee and security deposit will be reviewed and set on AN ANNUAL basis by the Board of Governors.
Each member is responsible for restoring the premises to the condition that existed prior to his/her use.
Section 8: Club Property
Any action pertaining to the sale or acquisition of any real property of the Club will be legal only after a vote taken within 30 days notice to each member. At the meeting at which the vote is taken members may be repre- sented in person or by proxy.
A favorable vote of not less than 2/3 of the total membership shall be necessary in order to authorize any such transac- tion.
No property belonging to the Club shall be loaned or removed from the clubhouse without approval from the Board of Governors.
Section 9: Revisions
Any proposed revision to these By-Laws must be presented to the Board of Governors.
The Board of Governors shall transmit the proposed change(s) to the By- Laws to the general membership in written and /or email form. After trans- mission of the proposed changes and the passage of a minimum notification pe- riod of fourteen (14) days, the proposed change(s) may be adopted by an af- firmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present during a regular general membership meeting in which there is a quorum present. If the pro- posed change(s) is (are) accepted, it (they) shall become effective immedi- ately after the two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote.
The secretary shall see that any revision so executed is given in writing or electronically to each member of the club within two weeks.
Section 1O: Honors and Awards
Lifetime Service Award
A Lifetime Service Award is hereby established and will be awarded to individual members or to couples under the following conditions:
A nomination will be made in writing by a member to the Board of Governors, naming the member(s) to be honored and specify- ing their contributions to the Club.
The Board of Governors will consider the nomination and either approve or reject it.
If the nomination is approved, the award will be made by the Commodore at the next regular club meeting.
Except for the initial award, no more than one (1) individual or couple shall be given this award during the same Club year.
The Lifetime Service Award will be awarded on the basis of long-term service and outstanding contributions to the Lake Weir Yacht Club and not for any single contribution or achievement.
The award will consist of a certificate and will be commemorated by inclusion of the award on the Lifetime Service Award Plaque in the LWYC clubhouse.